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February 6, 2018 • mobile printer

Xiaomi’s latest crowdfunded product has been announced and our guess was right. The XPRINT Pocket AR Photo Printer is its 153rd crowdfunded item and it does more than just print pictures. Lately we have seen manufacturers release pocket printers as a way to bring back the instant cameras that reigned decades ago since most people… Continue reading Xiaomi XPRINT Printer with Augmented Reality

January 30, 2018 • 3D innovation printing technology

Three-dimensional images that we can see from all directions are the next step up from holograms. To move us toward that goal, researchers from Brigham Young University have developed a new method to create such a 3D display. The approach is called a free-space volumetric display and uses a technique called optical trapping. As reported… Continue reading Images 3D Printed With Light [VIDEO]

January 23, 2018 • Epson inkjet inks innovation printer

We all got used to the idea that when you buy a printer you actually putting yourself into rat race of endless cartridge replacement. You can get a printer almost at no cost upfront, but pay pretty money for the ink later on. The Japaniese printer manufacturer, Epson, some time ago started to change the… Continue reading New Type of Printers: No Refill for Two Years [VIDEO]

January 16, 2018 • Casio gadget innovation printing technology

Casio’s new Mofrel system does something truly innovative: it can add 3D textures to your printouts, turning flat paper into faux leather, stone, wood, and even simulate embossed stitched fabrics. The paper you feed into the Mofrel isn’t the same stuff used in the Xerox copier at your work. Each sheet costs around $10, and… Continue reading Casio Printer Turns Paper Into Faux Leather or Wood

January 9, 2018 • printer Ricoh technology

Ever dreamed of making a custom T-shirt with a cool slogan or fresh meme on it at the snap of a finger? You can do so pretty soon with Ricoh Ri 100 coming to the US in the Spring. Printing on fabric is technically challenging — as with 3D printing it requires special consumables, faces… Continue reading T-shirt Printer on Your Desktop

January 2, 2018 • 3D innovation printing technology

This one is for the lades. 3D printing is conquering ever more aspects of our lives, even those you wouldn’t immediately think of. Researchers in the U.K.’s Cosmetic Science Group at London College of Fashion have been exploring the use of additive manufacturing for a whole new industry and application: makeup.

December 26, 2017 • 3D printing

Additive technologies have been developing for years, but it is in 2017 that they made a breakthrough. MIT Technology Review made a list of 5 most amazing thing produced on 3D- printer. 1. Runnings Shoes In April, Adidas launched mass-production of 3D-printed running shoes Futurecraft 4D, which would start selling in 2018. To apcoplish this, the… Continue reading 5 Best 3D-Printed Things in 2017, According to MIT Technology Review

December 19, 2017 • gadget printing remote technology

Lots of people are happy owners of a printer, but few of them ever get to think of an idea that a simple black-and-white printer may be a source of small income. The creators of ZeccerBox give you an opportunity to earn some extra cash on your printer, if you wish so.

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