June 6, 2017 • OKI

OKI Data White Toner Printer For Graphic Arts Businesses

OKI Data is a global manufacturer of award winning printers and printing solutions including high-performance, high definition color printers for desktop publishing and creative industries as well as printers and MFPs for general office use. In the beginning of June, the company has launched its new printer model for printing businesses. The Pro8432WT is an… Continue reading OKI Data White Toner Printer For Graphic Arts Businesses

May 23, 2017 • 3D design

3D Printing As Contemporary Art

  Modern designers have employed 3D printing technology almost since its invention. All kinds of art objects have been created with the help of the new technology—from 3D printed furniture, vases and figurines to faucets and kitchen utensils. The experts tend to call this phenomenon “a digital handmade”—a fusion of traditional crafts with cutting-edge digital… Continue reading 3D Printing As Contemporary Art

Toshiba Tec Hybrid MFPs

Crucial needs of modern offices in more efficient and eco-friendly solutions force the development of printing technology. It particularly concerns Toshiba tec with its Three Greens philosophy (greening of products, process and management) and its ultimate intention for producing ecologically-conscious devices. With the launch of its new   e-Studio5008LP series including 3 MFPs and one… Continue reading Toshiba Tec Hybrid MFPs

April 25, 2017 • 3D printing technology

A 3D Printer Using Glass as a Printing Material

Continuing the column “What else can we print on a 3D printer?”, we should mention a recently improved technology, allowing to use glass as a 3D printing material. The scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) detailed their findings online in the journal Nature and are spinning off a company to commercialize the technology.

April 18, 2017 • Epson inkjet multifunction

New Epson Inkjet Multifunction Printer

Recently, Epson has turned its attention to SMBs—multi-user small office environments and midsized businesses—willing to bring their printing process and workflow management on a higher level. The producer has introduced a new A3 inkjet multifunction printer with the enormous (to this segment) print speed of 100 ISO ppm. The WorkForce Enterprise WF-C20590 has got a… Continue reading New Epson Inkjet Multifunction Printer

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