Category: printing

October 12, 2013 • printing technology

Breakthrough Technology of the Year 1450: The Printing Press

There was a time, when the process of creating a book required much more effort than now. In European monasteries, monks rewrote books by hand, and it could take several years to copy one book. Of course, the progress was achieved with the spreading of woodblock printing. But due to the complication of the process,… Continue reading Breakthrough Technology of the Year 1450: The Printing Press

July 20, 2012 • printing security

Printer Rabies: Symantec Discouvered Worm Depriving Users Of Paper

Symantec has announced the discovery of a new worm, which launches “trash” print jobs. Symantec identifies the worm as W32.Printlove. This malware exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Print Spooler Service Remote Code Execution (CVE 2010-2729), which was discovered back in 2010. The worm behave differently on computers with installed update for CVE 2010-2729 vulnerability and… Continue reading Printer Rabies: Symantec Discouvered Worm Depriving Users Of Paper

May 8, 2011 • 3D printing technology

3D-printer Used For Printing Of Artificial Bones

Open3DP team at Washington University have been some pretty impressive results: it successfully printed the artificial bone with the help of 3D-printer. The hardest challenge in this case was the choice of material for bone. The experiments for 5 weeks with various mixtures of bone meal with other substances, the research team stopped at one… Continue reading 3D-printer Used For Printing Of Artificial Bones

October 12, 2010 • 3D printing technology

Glass 3D-Printing

A team of engineers and the art from the University of Washington has developed a way to create objects made of glass using a conventional 3D-printer. Technique allows the application of new materials with similar devices. The technology is called “vitraglyphic process”. Three-dimensional printers are used as a cheap and easy way for prototyping. In… Continue reading Glass 3D-Printing

August 4, 2010 • printing technology

Affordable Nanoprinting Technology Is At Hand

American scientists have developed a revolutionary nanotechnology called Beam Lithography Pen. The new method enables fast and inexpensive production of electric circuits prototypes, medical diagnosis and a number of other activities that will surely find application in in electronics, photonics and other natural sciences. Chad Mirkin, Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology at Northwestern… Continue reading Affordable Nanoprinting Technology Is At Hand

July 27, 2010 • printing technology

Out Of Food? Print It!

Here it is, the cornucopia. American scientists have developed the concept of food printer called «Cornucopia», which operates by cooling ingredients, mixing them and making layers of  them. Using these kayers, a dish is printer on a tray. The concept was presented by two students from the Massachusetts University of Technology (MIT). The process of… Continue reading Out Of Food? Print It!

July 7, 2010 • Epson inkjet printing technology

Epson Stylus Pro 7900 And 9900: Large-Format Inkjet Printers With 98% Pantone Matching System Coverage

Epson has announced that its wide-format inkjet printers Series Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 reached 98% coverage of the Pantone Matching System. In turn, the company Pantone LLC confirmed that the achievement award of the certificate of conformity for Epson. Pantone is an international reference system for selecting, identifying, combining and control of color in… Continue reading Epson Stylus Pro 7900 And 9900: Large-Format Inkjet Printers With 98% Pantone Matching System Coverage

June 17, 2010 • humor inkjet printing technology

Lego felt tip 110: New Dawn For Inkjet Printing

Those craftsmen making real working things out of Lego bricks just don’t stop. Recently, the collection of unusual gadgets has been supplemented by two new models. The first sample is a circular saw, which case is made of plastic part of the well-known construction kit, while the disc is real with edge blunted for the… Continue reading Lego felt tip 110: New Dawn For Inkjet Printing

June 10, 2010 • HP printer printing technology

New HP Printer Support Printing From iPad and Web Applications

HP has released a new line of printers with a function of wireless printing directly from mobile phones and tablet PCs. It is noted that the new series is designed to work in the WWW, and each device is assigned a unique e-mail address enabling the printing from any place that has an Internet connection.… Continue reading New HP Printer Support Printing From iPad and Web Applications

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