Category: printing

January 29, 2014 • 3D Adobe application printing

Adode Update: The 3D Printing Tools for Photoshop

Recently Adobe has introduced a new tool for Adobe Photoshop CC, already available for purchase. According to the producer, it allows Creative Cloud users to create, change, look through and now print the 3D models more quickly and visually clear. These 3D printing capabilities will be useful for professional designers, while creating all-new models or… Continue reading Adode Update: The 3D Printing Tools for Photoshop

November 29, 2013 • 3D printing technology

How Can 3D Printing Help Paleontology?

3D printing is actively acquires new areas of our life. Recently Radiological Society of North America has reported that 3D printing technology and computed tomography (CT) scans would be used to print precise copies of fossilized dinosaur bones.

October 12, 2013 • printing technology

Breakthrough Technology of the Year 1450: The Printing Press

There was a time, when the process of creating a book required much more effort than now. In European monasteries, monks rewrote books by hand, and it could take several years to copy one book. Of course, the progress was achieved with the spreading of woodblock printing. But due to the complication of the process,… Continue reading Breakthrough Technology of the Year 1450: The Printing Press

July 20, 2012 • printing security

Printer Rabies: Symantec Discouvered Worm Depriving Users Of Paper

Symantec has announced the discovery of a new worm, which launches “trash” print jobs. Symantec identifies the worm as W32.Printlove. This malware exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Print Spooler Service Remote Code Execution (CVE 2010-2729), which was discovered back in 2010. The worm behave differently on computers with installed update for CVE 2010-2729 vulnerability and… Continue reading Printer Rabies: Symantec Discouvered Worm Depriving Users Of Paper

May 8, 2011 • 3D printing technology

3D-printer Used For Printing Of Artificial Bones

Open3DP team at Washington University have been some pretty impressive results: it successfully printed the artificial bone with the help of 3D-printer. The hardest challenge in this case was the choice of material for bone. The experiments for 5 weeks with various mixtures of bone meal with other substances, the research team stopped at one… Continue reading 3D-printer Used For Printing Of Artificial Bones

October 12, 2010 • 3D printing technology

Glass 3D-Printing

A team of engineers and the art from the University of Washington has developed a way to create objects made of glass using a conventional 3D-printer. Technique allows the application of new materials with similar devices. The technology is called “vitraglyphic process”. Three-dimensional printers are used as a cheap and easy way for prototyping. In… Continue reading Glass 3D-Printing

August 4, 2010 • printing technology

Affordable Nanoprinting Technology Is At Hand

American scientists have developed a revolutionary nanotechnology called Beam Lithography Pen. The new method enables fast and inexpensive production of electric circuits prototypes, medical diagnosis and a number of other activities that will surely find application in in electronics, photonics and other natural sciences. Chad Mirkin, Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology at Northwestern… Continue reading Affordable Nanoprinting Technology Is At Hand

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