How An Inkjet Can Be Used Beyond Document Printing

What do you think your inkjet printer can create? Pages of black text? OK. Documents with color graphics? All right. Photos of you having fun in backyard? Absolutely! Anything else? You surely feel puzzled, however an inkjet printer can do a lot more. And there are people who know what this ‘more’ is. A UK… Continue reading How An Inkjet Can Be Used Beyond Document Printing

HP, Epson and Canon Introduce New Printers

We are back in town! Two weeks of complete isolation from computer world have left me feeling hungry for news. Let’s see what has been going on in printing industry. Canon announced two new models: imageCLASS MF4270 and PIXMA mini320. Canon imageCLASS MF4270 is a network-ready multifunction laser printer with a built-in duplex unit, designed… Continue reading HP, Epson and Canon Introduce New Printers

August 1, 2007 • cartridges laser printer research toner

Laser Printers Dangerous To Health Like Cigarettes

We are not afraid of “laser” in laser printers, because it is highly unlikely one would get burnt with it. Yet, laser printer is the device that may be a source of “phantom menace”. A group of Australian scientists revealed that office laser printers could be causing as much danger to the lung as cigarettes… Continue reading Laser Printers Dangerous To Health Like Cigarettes

July 26, 2007 • printer printing research

Survey Reveals How Often Home Printers Are Used

Printer makers aggressively advertise and market the printing devices they produce. It is a common sight when an inkjet printer sells for pennies, even in the red. Prices for laser printers and copiers are constantly dropping too, making the devices more affordable to increasing number of customers. Obviously, this is supposed to create a favorable… Continue reading Survey Reveals How Often Home Printers Are Used

July 25, 2007 • design printer

New Stylish Roller Printer

Have you lived long enoigh to remember how roller printer looked like? Now forget it, because here comes a roller printer you’ve never seen before! Jin Woo Han, a product designer from South Korea, realized his vision of a roller printer. The device is capable of printing on extremely long lengths of paper, so you… Continue reading New Stylish Roller Printer

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