Category: innovation

September 4, 2007 • inkjet innovation printing technology

Scientists Find New Way To Use Inkjet Printer

As I previously reported, inkjet printers have gone way beyond simple printing your office documents. Japanese “always-searching-for-something-new” scientists found another way of using inkjet technology – for printing blood vessels. Researchers from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University succeeded in printing a blood vessel using a modified inkjet printer specially designed at the Kanagawa Academy… Continue reading Scientists Find New Way To Use Inkjet Printer

How An Inkjet Can Be Used Beyond Document Printing

What do you think your inkjet printer can create? Pages of black text? OK. Documents with color graphics? All right. Photos of you having fun in backyard? Absolutely! Anything else? You surely feel puzzled, however an inkjet printer can do a lot more. And there are people who know what this ‘more’ is. A UK… Continue reading How An Inkjet Can Be Used Beyond Document Printing

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