Category: inks

October 30, 2007 • cartridges Epson inks

Epson Cuts Ink Cartridges Importers Off The US

In February, 2006, Epson filed a complaint against 24 US, Korean, German, and Chinese companies that were importing and selling ink cartridges violating Epson’s patents. In March, 2007, The U.S. International Trade Commission issued the Initial Determination that found all 11 patents belonging to Seiko Epson Corporation to be valid and all ink cartridges at… Continue reading Epson Cuts Ink Cartridges Importers Off The US

October 1, 2007 • inks innovation research technology

A Substitute For Printing Ink is Found

American scientists please us with another achievement in printing technology. They found a new method printing finely-detailed microscopic images with an enzyme instead of ink. The new method known as microcontact printing and reported to have a wide application for rapidly transferring high-resolution images onto large surfaces. However, current nanoscale printing technology depends on the… Continue reading A Substitute For Printing Ink is Found

June 21, 2007 • cartridges Epson inkjet inks research

People Throw More Than 50% of Ink Away, Epson says

Studies, researches and surveys… how little we would knew without them. Another test of ink cartridges efficiency was commissioned by TÜV Rheinland for Epson. The idea of the test was to find out how much ink is actually wasted every time a cartridge is thrown away. The thing is, many inkjet printer and multifunctions use… Continue reading People Throw More Than 50% of Ink Away, Epson says

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