Custom 3D Printed Eyeglass Frames As Joint Project


About half a year ago, four brands had joined their efforts to represent a new project Yuniku producing custom 3D printed eyeglass frames. The Japanese word Yuniku means unique what have determined the main aim of the project—with the help of 3D printing technology to bring true mass customization to a luxury consumer-grade product.

To get himself a new pair of unique glasses one will have to scan his face and than the special advanced software will create eyewear with optionally positioned lenses ideally related to the eye of the very same person, with customized frame to fit the lenses and the scanned face, and will finally 3D print the frame. The client is free to choose the design of the frame, its color and finish.

It’s the joint project of Japanese global med-tech company HOYA—who actually provides the service, and a 3D printing company Materialise—one of the world leaders in the industry with headquarters in Belgium—who actually provides the technical base of the Yuniku. The two other brands—Hoet and Aoyama—produce innovative eyewear designs and are responsible for the fashion component of the project.

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