New Software Prepares Files for 3D Printing

We rarely write about software, but today we do. The subject is not some ordinary program but ZEdit Pro, special software developed by Z Corporation for its 3-d printers.

The pecularity of this new software lies is that automatically prepares 3D data files for easy full-colour 3D printing. ZEdit Pro lets users of 3D mechanical CAD software verify and ensure that geometric data is 3D printable; apply colours, texture maps and labels to their models; and easily print very large prototypes in component pieces.

Another great thins about ZEdit Pro is that it transforms files that were never originally intended for 3D printing, including those produced by 3D digital content creation software used in animation and architecture. ZEdit Pro makes these files 3D printing-ready, often with a single click.

With these capabilities, Z Edit Pro helps create better models faster, and enables including architects, conceptual designers, and game designers to reap the same benefits of easy 3D printing as mechanical engineers.

Naturally, ZEdit Pro suits best Z Corporation 3D printers, and focuses on three functional areas that improve the quality of 3D printed models:

  • geometry optimisation to automatically make 3D data ready for 3D printing;
  • painting and texture mapping for colouring and applying images to models; and
  • print preparation for cutting or hollowing parts before printing.

Unlike mechanical 3D CAD software, digital content creation tools used for visualization and rendering in architecture, animation and avatar creation often do not typically produce 3D printing-ready data. ZEdit Pro automatically “3D Print enables” data from either kind of 3D software, as well as medical scans, by incorporating printable geometric data, closing gaps, repairing meshes, and adding depth that is only suggested by shading in some software.

ZEdit Pro also gives anyone the easy ability to print CAD models that are too big for the printing envelope. The software automatically segments oversized models, creating pins and holes for reassembly of the sections after printing. ZEdit Pro also hollows out solids that would otherwise waste resources, and helps users create bases and pedestals for models.

ZEdit Pro is priced at $2,500, but for a while it will be included with purchases of Z Corporation 3D printers at no cost. Feel like saving $2,500? Buy a $20,000 3D printer and get this software for free!

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